πŸ—£οΈPhase 2: Proposal Refinement & Temperature Check

At this stage, you should ideally have some community interest in the Discord governance channels from Phase 1: Informal Discussion.

It is time to formalize your proposal with a Proposal Draft & discuss the details with the community. We will be using

  • Github Issues in the SWIPs Repository to record your Proposal Drafts, Final Proposals & Temperature Check

  • Discord governance thread to discuss and seek feedback from community


  1. Do not skip Phase 1 - start a Discord discussion before creating a SWIP

  2. Be constructive

  3. Be clear (use data, charts & images)

1. Create a Proposal Draft (Github Issue) in the SWIPS repository

In the SWIPS Github Repository, create an Issue with the title SWIP-n Draft:Proposal Title. See sample Proposal Draft Issue here: https://github.com/SwingbyProtocol/swips/issues/10#issue-1107959250

3. Create Final Proposal with community feedback

After discussing & seeking feedback from the community for 48 hours, you should refine your Proposal Draft into a Final Proposal. Add a comment in your Github issue with the changes. See sample Final Proposal here: https://github.com/SwingbyProtocol/swips/issues/10#issuecomment-1016346428

4. Paste the Final Proposal in Discord with emoji polling

In this step,

  1. Paste the Final Proposal link in Discord with the following message: After 48 hours of discussion, this is the Final Proposal for SWIP-n: Github link. For the next 48 hours, we will be doing a temperature check. Please react with πŸ‘or πŸ‘Ž if you are FOR or AGAINST this proposal respectively.

  2. React to your post with πŸ‘AND πŸ‘Ž

After Discord polling

The Discord poll should have a 60% πŸ‘ approval. If this is achieved,

  1. Post a comment in the Github Issue & on Discord with the following format From DD:MM:HH to DD:MM:HH, a Discord poll was conducted for the Final Proposal. Out of <> Members, <> voted for and <> voted against the Proposal. With the above, the Proposal has passed/failed and will/ will not go for Snapshot voting.

  2. Add a Markdown file with your Final Proposal content to https://github.com/SwingbyProtocol/swips/tree/cleanup/swips and create a Pull Request

  3. Proceed to Phase 3: Signal Voting. This means that the direction and details of the proposal is generally sound and ready for the community to signal-vote.

If you did not receive a 60% approval, you can refine your proposal and start from Phase 2's Step 1 again.

Last updated